
"The seed that fell on good soil grew and produced a crop of up to 100x what was planted."

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If Wishes Were Horses

December 12th, 2006 · No Comments · Uncategorized

There is an old English rhyme which goes, in part, "if wishes were horses, then beggars would ride."

It’s all too easy to go through life wishing rather than riding. I think it’s because, too often, our culture and own failures convince us that we know what’s best. That we could and should be the master of our own destiny. That all our wishes are good, and they should come true.

As a lifelong dreamer – which does help the creative process – I’ve too often and too long thought that I knew what was best for me. Wrong. Thank God that He knows and doesn’t indulge my simple folly – even when I ask Him for it in my prayers.

My Father knows best. And someday beggars will ride.
