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We All Need . . .

June 22nd, 2006 · No Comments · Uncategorized

It’s easy to misunderstand and to be misunderstood. For dear friends it is painful when it happens. When you leave a church, an unhappy step Kathi and I are painfully in the midst of now, the feelings of rejection and disapproval can flow both ways. It is tragic that those emotions flow, though they are understandable.

Grace is the only answer. For our individual sins, for our misunderstanding of one another, for not having ears to hear what is really being said, and the like. Those characteristics go back to the Garden, and show us again why we so desperately need the balm of grace that comes in the atoning work of Jesus, the Christ.

To be sure, our decision to move on is NOT a move against a fine man of God, Pastor Luke. And it is certainly not a repudiation of any part of the ministry of Pastor Steve Wagner, who remains among my closest of friends.

Our move is about theological issues, points of interpretation of the Scriptures, about which good and honorable believers have differed for centuries. One day we will know the complete truth . . . and we will learn the "right answer" together at the feet of Jesus in the heavenly Kingdom. We will be there together by grace, not by virtue of one or the other having more precisely correct theology. The leaders of Israel at the time of Jesus were good theologians, but their hard hearts cut them off from a long-awaited Messiah. Grace. Grace. More grace is necessary. We’re all dead without it.

Meanwhile I remain excited about and committed to all that Steve Wagner is doing in his new role as Executive Leader of the Pastoral Leadership Institute. God is doing great things, new opportunities and initiatives abound, and I am pleased to be a prayer partner with and a friend to such a wonderful leader and man of God as Steve.

We move on as a committed married couple. It is better for our life and spiritual growth together that we find a place of worship that meets need for both of us.

Your grace in allowing us this move will be appreciated greatly.
