
"The seed that fell on good soil grew and produced a crop of up to 100x what was planted."

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Tuesday was a good today, today . . .

September 28th, 2005 · No Comments · Uncategorized

Tuesday started well with Jordan’s surgery going quickly and successfully. A little nausea, but by the time she got back home, shortly after 9:00 a.m., it was ice cream for breakfast. Woppee! She’s doing very well. Thanks for your prayers.

My day in Austin was superb, thanks to our strategic partners and host, Convio. It is a delight to work with professional partners to improve processes for everyone. They are a huge help to nonporoft organizations.

Iv_bag_1Today is chemo day for me, so I’ll be in the chair from 9:30 until around 3:30, give or take some time on either end of the clock. Nothing like have poison systematically dripped or injected into your body. Your prayers, as always, will be much appreciated. More tonight.
