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Open Season on Christians & Jews

March 28th, 2006 · No Comments · Uncategorized

It just keeps escalating: the culture war on Christians and Jews. I hesitate to say, "here’s the latest," because before the blog is read there will probably be more. . . .
The Unit, the pseudo-Delta Force soap opera that features the late U.S. President from 24, Dennis Haysbert in a leading role (Where has he been all these years? This guy is compellingly good!) used its third show (3/21/06) to do a stereotypical bashing of American missionaries who needed to be rescued because of guerrilla activity in The Philippines. They are made out to be mindless zealots whose spiritual convictions are folly. The women who wrote the script clearly were grinding an axe, one that Hollywood is always glad to sharpen. . . .

Then there is Abdul Rahman, the Afghan convert to Christianity whose life is in the balance because he rejected Mohammed for Jesus. We may have spent billions "freeing" Afghanistan, but don’t try being a Christian or a Jew in that country. It may well cost you your life.

Amid all this the powerful PR machine continues to turn up the buzz for The DaVinci Code, the best-selling novel that is about to become Ron Howard‘s next blockbuster. No matter that it is simply old heresies popularized; it has captured America’s fancy, maintaining a spot on the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list for 156 weeks. It comes out today in paperback and is a lock to debut at number one on the paperback fiction list next week. It says scurrilous things about Jesus and few seem to mind. Imagine Dan Brown writing NON-fiction about Mohammed’s actual marriage to a 13-year-old girl (among other wives) and imagine what the reaction would be.

If you are interested in the truth rather than Brown’s money-making fiction, take a look at books like: The Truth Behind the DaVinci Code, Breaking the DaVinci Code, or Cracking DaVinci’s Code.

People don’t mind distorting the truth to get rich. Very few people are willing to die for the Truth on the scale of Christian martyrs the past 20 centuries. As G.K. Chesterton said so well, "Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions."

